Thursday 27 October 2011

Assignment 1 (INDIVIDUAL)

(a)    What do you understand from your readings regarding the issue?

            Through these articles that I’ve read, human with irrational or negative thinking brings troubles to society, this is also why pet abuse cases occurs and I believe that there must be several reasons caused this happened. Nowadays, pet abuses cases have been increase throughout globalize as we can see through many news from newspapers and pet magazines all over the earth. This issue has been concerned not only by individual, government but also organizations as well for example: a Non-government organization (NGO), Society to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) an animal welfare organisation which keep defenceless animals and to aggravate their suffering. Pet abuse happened due to many reasons. Existence of irresponsible pet owner and human without conscience are the main reasons of pet abuse. In addition, the incorrect method of catching stray dogs, euthanizing, wrong training method, and neglecting actions of mankind. Further, such as slapping, pressing, pushing, shoving, slamming, throwing and kicking are also the considered as pet abuse. This may also because of personality disorders such as zoo sadism (torturing pets and small animals). This issue has been strongly emphasized through many ways such as advertisement, news, posters, campaigns and events. People around the world are now moving forward to their mission as to reduce and against the cases of pet abusing.

(b)   Why do you think it occurs? Explain your answer.

        Pet abuse is an immature and foolish action of human that gave troubles to the society. We can see that nowadays many people like to own dog or cat as a pet in their house but not many of them actually know the accurate way of taking care of them and did not find out what should they take note before they get one pet such as daily proper meal, comfortable shelter and hygiene. Some irresponsible pet owners don’t have patient to take care of their pets and some of them might also get tedious after few months keeping their pets and they begin to neglect them or treat them in a bad way.  Besides, some owners not willing to pay for the medical fees for their pets when their pets are sick or get injured, they throw them to the forest area or just leave them beside the street and assume that they can survive themselves. Moreover, the rate of stray dogs has increases gradually it is because of many dog owners did not neuter or spay their dogs. This has created a great amount of unwanted dogs exists all around the streets and leads to the local town council have to take action of catching stray dogs. In another way, everyone should know that we can’t assume how dogs behave, they might turn aggressive due to some reasons and the owner has no choice they begin to punish their pet by using several cruel ways such as hitting, slapping and kicking.

(c)(i) Impacts on society;
Pet abuse can influence the society in several ways. Pet abuse cases had created a lots of homeless and uncared pets, this has caused the pet shelter has overload with abandoned pets. Society to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) hadstrongly concerned about this issues and this has given awareness to people by different methods such as organizing campaigns and events. If there are more and more pet abuse cases occur, gradually, there will be more and more rules and regulations of owning a pet which by local council as well. Pet lovers might found difficulties on keeping pets in their house due to the licence problem; this is so unfair to the pet lovers. Another case, I’ve read from the article no. 4, “Strays allegedly caught and shot in full view of children”, shows that there are residents who witnessed open-shooting of stray dogs, the shooting was carried out in residential areas and was nearby children who were walking to a kindergarten. This case would affect how the children think and reflect aggressively or turns violent after if they saw the incident. This issue has been concerned by most the parents because this might influence the thought of children since they are still young and do not have mature thinking.

(ii) Impacts on nation;
Cruelty to animal has reflects the mentality of people such as the behaviour disorders of human, zoo sadism which leads to pet abuse case occur, if the news has spread to others country even the whole world, this will also tarnish the good name of our country. Veterinary Services Department and Society to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) have to reinforce protectiveness actions to animal by promoting to society. From one of the article that I’ve read “Toy poodle abusers still not found”, regarding the video clip that had uploaded on Facebook and YouTube, about the dog owner used the wrong and inhuman method to train his dog which considered as abusing, this has caught the attention of people. The video clip has also being spread to another country and being discussed by nations. Due to the cases of pet abuse getting serious, now Society to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) all around the world are being more focus on the issues and also get support from government. 

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