Thursday 22 September 2011

Paraphrasing Exercise

1. We walked in a slow pace along the streets with beautiful lined flowers.
2. Ah Beng could not sit quietly because of the lecture was not interesting.
3. The attitude of children from incomplete families was being studied by the psychologists.
4. An angry customer had burst into the manager's room.
5. The two witnesses of the accident must provide statement/evidence in the court.

Wednesday 21 September 2011


Have you ever treat someone more than just like only a friend? Or have you ever labeled someone as ''best friend'', ''babes'', ''dudes'', or maybe your girlfriend, boyfriend? Have you introduce someone to another one that he/she is your good friend or besties? What do you think about labeling someone?

500 Days of Summer. It's not a love story, but a story about love. (oppsie, it's an introduction of the movie -.-) This film presented the jumps of the various days within 500days of the relationship between Summer and Tom. They work in a greeting cards company, Tom works as a writer instead of architect whereby Summer as a new assistant to the boss. Summer doesn't believe true love exists. She did told her that she doesn't believe in true love even she does not want a boy friend. Still, Tom falls for her. They had great time in first 300 days, after that their relationship begins to changed.

Tom and Summer never label each other as a boyfriend or a girlfriend, they believed that their relationship don't need to have any 'label' to represent their status. Their relationship just begin when they started to have feelings on each other. But there is one part I don't really like it. It's about Summer didn't admit that they are couple, it's true that they never want to label each other but yet, they get along together just like a couple. So, what's Summer thinking? How hurt is Tom!

At last, Summer left Tom after catches the bouquet at the wedding their collegue. She was actually engaged and she invited Tom to a party at her apartment. Tom run away due to a deep depression when she saw her hand wearing an engagement ring. One day after a very long time after the party, they met at the favorite spot in the city which they used to went last time when they still getting along together, Summer says she is glad to see Tom is doing well, and Tom tells her that he really hopes she is happy.  (WHAT?! I HATE THIS CONVERSATION!)

When Tom and Summer at the wedding ceremony of their colleague

The favourite spot of Tom in the city

Yes, what I wanted to say through this post is about the very bad and worst feeling when someone makes you feel special, then suddenly leaves you hanging and you have to act like you don't care at all. I can't imagine what if this happen to me and I don't want this happen to me! For me, labeling is not that very necessary but yet for me is still have to depends on who the person and what's the situation is.

Saturday 17 September 2011


Hey guys!
I wanna blog about the dinner I had yesterday! Have you guys heard Restaurant 6 2 10 Grill before? 6 2 10 Grill was once located at sec17, at a housing area, ground floor of an old flats. Few months ago they have been moved to Aman Suria, Petaling Jaya. 6 2 10 has always been known for their nasi lemak and western dishes. The price of foods are very reasonable! It's worth to have a try! oh ya, kindly remind, this restaurant serve non-halal.

I ordered soup of the day- wild mushroom soup and the 200g beef steak with black pepper sauce, well done. It arrived less than 10 minutes later. Tender and soft, it also comes with fries, vegetables salads and scrambles egg. Good stuff!

It's a corner shop lot. White painting and cool atmosphere.

Here! You can follow them on Facebook!

photo credit: Google/internet/blogs

Thursday 15 September 2011

Great night with INTIANS

Hello there! Just celebrated mid autumn festival at INTI last Monday with classmates. Had lots of fun with them! I never been celebrate Mid autumn with friends. In that night, someone suddenly came into my mind, that's my cousin sister. It's been a long time since last I saw her. I remember last time when we are still in primary and secondary school, we used to celebrate mid autumn festival at our mum's kindi with children. Candles, lanterns, mooncakes... How fun it was! I miss those time. Both of us are now busying of our college life. I wonder when will be the next time we meet each other?

As we grew up, we go to the different way, different school, we met different people, we have different views, we live in different ways, unlike those days when we are still young. I always believed that as time to time, we grow, we change.

Back to the mid autumn festival at college, I felt warm when I was together with my classmates. I miss my parents so much, I bet they do as well. I can see dad misses me from his status on Facebook.  :'(

Photos are always the best memories. I enjoy photographing. Too bad, I didn't own a good camera, but still satisfied the outcomes! It's just only not works good at night. Anyway, Fiona and I took some pictures of that night, some photos are kinda blur, so it's just only few of them looks good.

Xiao Lei and Vivi with lantterns.

Vkaey, Xiao Lei, Vivi and Josephine.

The photo of the night.
3A1 rocks! We've gone through thick and thin, sweet and bitter. We had many great time last semester. And now, we still managed to remain our friendship and have fun together. We are just like a big family, we learned to tolerate and take care of each other. 

Somehow, we still got a long way to go. Everyone will be going to different way, choose the different course after graduated from foundation year, maybe some of them are going to different institutes? Or pursue their degree overseas? I can't imagine the time after I graduated from university, the time when I stepped into community and work for my country, work from 9 to 5, no more afternoon naps, and the time I no longer a teenager. 


Love this most! Photo by Fiona

What I can say is I really had great night with them. How good if time can freeze at the happiest moment!

p/s: oppsie! I very similar post with my personal blog :D

Saturday 10 September 2011


BonJour! Let me introduce my self, I’m Vivian from a small family which forms by 3 members, mum, dad, and I. Since I was young, my mum sent me for piano lesson, violin, ballet, modern dance and drawing class as well. I started to dance and play piano when I was in the age of 5. No doubt, I enjoy dancing, I like music, I love to draw and design. Too bad, I chose to stop my ballet lesson when I was 14 due to I have to concentrate on my studies because I didn’t do well on my academic exam. Besides, I also stopped my piano right after I entered into college because I got no extra time for piano lessons.

I did considered about studying in music or either multimedia design or photographing after I graduated from secondary school. I have always been confused which course to take. Somehow my parents are not agreed with me on studying in multimedia design so end up I chose to study in business. I’m quite poor in calculating and memorizing. As we know business is all about the calculation and memorizing the terms and laws. Anyway, I will try my best to ‘fall in love’ with math and pursue Degree in accounting or finance after I done my foundation.

Talking about blogging, I blogged since I was 14, I shared stories about me, express feelings and emotions and also some photos about travelling or outing. I stopped blogging when I was Form 5 and I started again last month. After our lecturer announced about blogging is one part of our course work marks, my first response was......


I get shocked by the lecturer! It's unbelievable! Anyway, I enjoy blogging! :D I found that this is quite interesting that our lecturer requested every of her students to create a blog and update in weekly basis in order to improve writing skills and master English effectively. Besides, this is also a part of our course work marks in final exam as I had mentioned above. This method will also lead us to view other’s blog so that we can learn from each other. In my opinion, blogging is one of the swift way to improve writing skills and get to know each other well. Since lecturer said that our blog are required to use proper English, so I decided to create another blog. Never doubt keep practicing can improve. 

Hope blogging can improve my grammar because I always make grammar mistakes. :D